
How To Clean A Commercial Bunn Coffee Maker

How to Clean a Commercial Bunn Coffee Maker

Can you think of a place you regularly buy food from because they always serve delicious food every time you drop by? If you're like most people who eat out, you will have one or two places in mind. But this didn't happen by accident.

Someone set a quality standard that you enjoy. That same person or group of people made an effort to continue serving you food of the same quality, just the way you like it. They made sure that nothing stopped them from delivering meals that meet your expectations.

The same thing goes for your coffee-making business. You need to put some measures in place that will make it possible for you to always serve amazing coffee to your customers. One way you can do this is by cleaning your commercial Bunn coffee maker.

how to clean a commercial bunn coffee maker

Tips For Cleaning Your Commercial Bunn Coffee Maker

Many things can go wrong when the brew is being made in your coffee shop. If the water flow from your device's tank is partially obstructed, it may not be enough to get all the flavor out of the coffee grounds and into your client's cup.

You already know what that means – a poor quality product and a dissatisfied customer who tells many others about their unpleasant encounter. Experienced café owners know that the water flow problem is caused by mineral build-up that clogs the pipes that carry hot water. This is common among shops that use hard tap water. Those who use distilled water will have no worries about this.

It is also important to remember that over time, coffee residue piles up in the appliance and affects the aroma and flavor of fresh coffee, making it lose its deliciousness. But you don't want that to happen, and it is why you need these tips to help you get your commercial Bunn coffee maker sparkling clean.

Use white vinegar

The reason is simple. White vinegar helps to break up hardened mineral deposits that prevent water from getting to the coffee grounds. Mix one part vinegar with four parts water and put it into the tank.

Let it sit for 30 minutes and then start the machine as if you were brewing coffee. The mixture will pass through the device and rid it of all dirt. All of the debris should come out when the cycle ends and everything is ejected from your coffee maker. This may take about two hours. At this stage, you will need to turn off the device and pull out the brew funnel.

Turn the spray head until it comes off. It should be washed separately and replace at the end of the entire procedure. Don't forget to use a soft cloth and some dishwashing liquid soap to clean the outside of the machine. Beverage spills and dust will need to be removed from that area.

A word of caution though: There is one thing you should not soak in water for any reason. It is the grinder.

This section of your device is not water-proof and can easily get damaged by water. As soon as water gets into the mill, it will ruin it and void whatever warranty you may have.

So, instead of dipping it in soapy water, grab a soft, moist cloth that is spotless. You want a squeaky clean grinder, right? Go ahead and rub it until it looks as good as new.

Try lemon juice

The advantage of using lemon juice is that you'll spare your shop the strong smell of vinegar. Not to mention the fact that the juice has some natural cleaning and whitening power.

To proceed, mix one-part lemon juice with two parts distilled water. Use that mixture to fill the machine's water tank and turn on the machine. As it starts running, the leftover mineral deposits will be slowly wiped away.

The water that comes out of the device should be thrown away. At this point, you would need to take off the spray head. Use a soft brush and some warm water to remove all the debris preventing it from functioning well.

The next stage is to switch on the machine and pour some warm water into it. Get the appliance running again and watch it flush out all the lemon juice from your device. None of your customers would appreciate the taste of lemon in their coffee, would they?

You may need to flush it with warm water 3 or 4 times to be sure it's fresh and ready to use. How can we forget the filter? They play an important role in making the brew.

Remove the filter and use a cushy dish brush to scrub it. Use some warm water and liquid soap to do it. The funnel also deserves some attention. Scrub it with the brush using lemon juice. Later, you can use water and dish soap to finish off.

Please note that you can use other substances like baking soda, citric acid, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide in pretty much the same way.

Cleaning is not an easy task, but it is rewarding. When you recall your commitment to your customers and your promise to serve them high-quality coffee come what may, it becomes easier to do whatever it takes to meet their needs.

Satisfied customers are the lifeblood of any business. They guarantee a steady income and when you play your part, you can even expect an increase in cash flow. Who doesn't want more of that?

The pandemic has led to a drastic cut in revenue for physical service-based businesses, including cafés. Those who will continue to stay afloat will the ones who are focused on their obligation to fantastic service delivery and great products.

Maintaining your Bunn coffee maker by regular cleaning and descaling it is a small price to pay for a world of benefits. There are many other ways to keep visitors to your coffee shop happily returning to keep buying from you. It's up to you to explore them. But there is no doubt that thinking about cleaning is a great place to start.

How To Clean A Commercial Bunn Coffee Maker


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